
About Me

Hi, I'm Jacqui. Welcome to this brief introduction into my experience.

I started out in the science field by studying Ecology at Colorado State University (CSU). I took up many extracurriculars such as wildlife clubs and ACSU the student body government. I participated in two research conferences where I conducted and presented my own studies; The Front Range Ecology Symposium, and the Celebrate Undergraduate Research and Creativity (CURC) Showcase. During my final year in college I had my first exposure to the world of data science. I worked as a research assistant to a Graduate student and used python to create an interactive, data model. This is what sparked my interest in Data Science.

After graduating I took time to take some coursework in computer science to learn some basic technical and programming skills. I am currently working on a certification in full stack software development to strengthen my coding and project management knowledge while also working on side projects in data science for practice. The next goal is a Masters in Datascience at Georgia Tech.
