
Previous projects and current platforms of working projects.

Water Quality

A Review of Water Quality Change due to Sediment in the Cache la Poudre Watershed

A review of survey literature and data for the construction of an accurate depiction of overally water quality changes due to sediment accumulation from erosion impacts within one of the primary water source watersheds for the front range area.

Biofuels on the Landscape-

Graduate project by where I acted as a research assistant as part of a Fellowship provided by the Sustainble BioEnergy Department at Colorado State University and The Natural Resource Ecology Laboratory.


Effect of the High Park Fire on the Cache la Poudre Watershed

A quantatative review of soil changes and ecological impacts to the Cache La Poudre Watershed. From the High Park Fire.

Scenario Planning based on the Cache la Poudre Watershed

A furture forsight analysis on the development of the Cache la poudre Watershed with economical growth, and population increase effects. Reviews 4 future scenarios.

Additional Projects and Side Work