
The most current resume pdf version. It is downloadable


Previous and current working status and goals.


In Progress:
  • Full Stack Software Developement Certification, CSU-Chico
  • Works as a Pharmaceutical Data Clerk
  • Volunteers and visits workshops for Data Science
  • Side projects in Data Analysis


  • Continued Courses from University of Colorado in Computer Science
  • Worked as an Economist's Research Assistant
  • Continued Practicing Programming Through Online Communities


  • Tried Courses from University of Colorado in Computer Science
  • Joined volunteer groups like "Girls In Tech"
  • Worked as a Service Operations Admin for a Biotech Company
  • Exposed to Tableau, Jupyter, Salesforce and Oracle


  • First Moved to California
  • Started Taking Computer Science Coursework
  • Exposed to C++, Java, and Python
  • Refreshed Mathmatics Skills With Calculus and Algorithms Courses